Great Experiences: Robinson Crusoe

Task 0 Activities and exercises page 44-51

Task 1 Complete the vocabulary log according to the model below. (you must keep this vocabulary log at the end of your notebook 

Task 2 Mark the route followed by Robinson on his journey and circle the places visited and mentioned in the story. Where is Robinson Crusoe's island?

Task 3 Imagine you are Robinson. Write a letter to your father telling him about your experiences.

Extra Tasks: (Choose One)
Task 4  Imagine you are stranded on a desert island. Your ship has struck rocks and  you've managed to swim to the beach. The ship is sinking fast. Before it sinks you can swim out and bring back five of your personal belongings. What would you collect? Why? 

Task 5 Many films have been inspired by the story of Robinson Crusoe; some of these films are Cast Away, The Swiss Family Robinson, Robinson Crusoe on Mars, or Friday. But there are many more. Watch one of these films. Which one do you like most, the book or the film? why? Write a blog entry answering this question (80-100 words)

Task 6 Imagine you are stranded on a desert island. Answer the following questions: (Use full sentences)

1. Who would you want with you?

2. Suppose you could bring six things with you. What would you bring?  

3. What would you do to survive on the island? (food and shelter)

4. What would you do to get yourself rescued?

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